Utlity Dispute Resolutions

Experts in utility disputes throughout Scotland and the UK

Utility Connect Northern provide a comprehensive dispute resolution service to help businesses resolve disputes that may arise with their utility provider. The service is aimed at small to medium-sized business customers concentrating mainly on gas, electricity & water suppliers.

If you are switching providers and feel that your current provider is being unfair in any way, or need advice on how to switch utility providers, contact us for free consultation.

To find out how we can help you, call us today on 01382 203400

"A seamless process from start to finish. UCT are experts in their field and take the hasstle out of connecting your business!"

Call us on 01382 229354 or request a quote online

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Utility Connect Northern is a trading name of Utility Connect Tayside Ltd.
Registered at Companies House Edinburgh. Company Number SC617382

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